This is an example of Basic Tableau analysis completed for Data, Analytics, and Learning course in EDX.
Tableau is an easy-to-use analytics and data visualization tool that is used to create interactive, sharable dashboards to get quick insight into the data.
Raw Data Description: The Raw data consisted of academic details for a set of students enrolled in a university. The following fields were present in the data: AcademicYear, Course Level, Full Name, MEANEVAL Score (bin) , Mini, Number , Section, Semester, Title, Units, Year, # of Responses, # of Students Enrolled, Course Mean Eval Score, COURSES EVALUATIONS, Instructor Mean Eval Score, INSTRUCTORS, MEANEVAL, MEANEVAL (bin)
The table shows the number of students enrolled in various streams. Number of students in MBA far outweighs those in other courses.
Av Score Distribution
The histogram shows that the average score is 4 and maximum number of MBA students score that.
Av score across course levels:
Although MBA has highest number of students enrolled, the course does not record the highest score. In fact the average score in MBA is below average
Score and Enrollment Trend:
This graph shows the average score and total enrollment trend across all the courses in various semesters starting from year 2005 to 2014.
The graph shows that MBA enrollment is higher in Fall as compared to Spring and Summer. While the number of MBA enrollments have increased from 2005 onwards, there was a sharp decrease in 2011. Fluctuations in MBA enrollments in Fall is more pronounced than in Spring and Summer.
The course score in MSCF is showing more fluctuations over the years as compared to MBA.